The aim at Southfields Primary School is to provide a first class education and exceptional care for children.
We work hard to involve families in all aspects of life within the school and are proud of our community work. We are a forward thinking school with traditional family values.
Our facilities are excellent and we are proud of our work on the curriculum which underpins English, Mathematics and the Sciences. We celebrate creativity and value the contribution that the Arts, Multi Media, Computing, Music, Eco, Sports and Languages add to broaden education for our pupils.
Our website has many photos, examples of children's work, parent quotes as well as links to multi media profiles such as Twitter and Class Dojo where you can find out news updates about life at our school.
Please come and visit the school at work and discover how your child could thrive in this enriched school.
Joanna Urciuoli
Interim Headteacher
Pupils are happy and enjoy coming to school. Adults care about their pupils and pupils are friendly and considerate to each other. Adults play and talk with pupils outside at breaktimes. Pupils are cheerful as they play together. Ofsted, September 2019
Pupils grow in confidence in this school. Teachers encourage them to read lots of books and they often read to pupils in class. Ofsted, September 2019
Pupils enjoy school trips, especially when they stay away overnight. They say this helps them to get on even better with each other. Pupils like learning to play musical instruments and taking part in performances.Ofsted, September 2019
This school wants pupils to be knowledgeable and confident...Teachers help pupils to understand and explain the meaning of difficult texts. Pupils use exactly the right mathematical words when describing how to solve problems. They learn skills in science that help them to understand and explain scientific patterns and processes in the world around them. Pupils can do this because knowledge is taught in the correct order.Ofsted, September 2019
Teachers encourage pupils to read a lot in lessons. Younger pupils are introduced to books as soon as they start school. Staff make sure that each pupil practises reading every day so that they can manage to read more difficult books over time.Ofsted, September 2019
Pupils in the CARES team look after other pupils. We saw one of them help a younger pupil to find her lunch box, while another explained how he hoped to use his caring skills in secondary school. Ofsted, September 2019
Pupils understand justice and can explain why they consider the school’s behaviour management system to be fair. Some pupils discuss current affairs and could explain recent Parliamentary events clearly.Ofsted, September 2019
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do well because leaders make sure their teachers know how to support them well. Their ‘Big Strides’ books provide up-to-date information for parents, carers and teachers, as well as for the other adults who support them.Ofsted, September 2019
Many parents say how pleased they are with the way the school communicates with them. Parents of children in the Reception class in particular like the regular updates from teachers because they help them to support their child’s learning.Ofsted, September 2019
Governors know their school well. They value the work of the headteacher and her staff.Ofsted, September 2019
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff are well trained to know how to keep pupils safe. They are clear about what they need to do if they are concerned about a child’s safety. Pupils trust staff and are comfortable to raise concerns with them. Pupils are taught how to keep safe, especially when using the internet. Ofsted, September 2019
Please click below to see the different stages of the Southfields Primary journey.
Keep up to date with all the latest news stories at Southfields Primary
Y6 Focus Week (IntoUniversity)
09:00 – 15:00
Y6 Focus Week (IntoUniversity)
09:00 – 15:00
Y6 Focus Week (IntoUniversity)
09:00 – 15:00
KS2 Disco - all KS2 staff
16:00 – 17:30
Primary Dance Festival
09:00 – 15:30
Y6 Focus Week (IntoUniversity)
09:00 – 15:00
EYFS/KS1 Disco - all EYFS/KS1 staff
16:00 – 17:00
Y6 Focus Week (IntoUniversity)
09:00 – 15:00
School closes for children
15:15 – 15:15
Half Term
08:00 – 17:00
Half Term
08:00 – 17:00
Half Term
08:00 – 17:00
Half Term
08:00 – 17:00
Half Term
08:00 – 17:00
School opens for children
08:35 – 08:45
We know how to look after our physical health but looking after our mental health is just as important. #TalkingMentalHealth is aimed at primary school pupils - watch the full animation & download the teacher toolkit, including lesson & assembly plans:
Southfields Estate
Telephone: 01733 562873
Fax: 01733 703329