Our Learning
Below is a general timetable for Years 3 and 4.
What other information may I need to know about the school week?
PE Kits should be worn for the whole of your child's allocated PE day
- Swimming kits - must be brought in on the day your child is allocated to swim. This is usually in Summer 2 for the use of our school pool however, Year 4 pupils get the opportunity
to go to Stanground Academy to take part in Deep Water swimming activities. Letters about this will be sent home prior to sessions commencing.
- Please remember that all children must wear a swimming hat during these sessions. Hats can be purchased from the main school office for £1.00.
- Pupils will have a weekly spelling test and times tables. These are on set days for each class - please see the individual Class Page
for your child's date. Please ensure these are practised daily using the books provided. More help for learning times tables can be found on the Mathematics section of the website.
- Pupils need to aim to start organising themselves. They need to learn how to pack their own bags with all the relevant things and be responsible for ensuring they have all the equipment they need each day.
- Children are responsible for keeping their own items safe. Please help them by making sure that all items are
named just in case they do become lost.
- Children need to be punctual - morning work is an additional learning opportunity and sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you find it hard to get to school on time each day, please speak to one of the members of the Inclusion Team who may have some ideas to help you with this.
- Children need to develop the correct ‘behaviour for learning’ by displaying good attitudes towards their learning, adults and peers. Talking to your child about what you expect of them can really help to set them up. If you are positive towards school it is likely that your child will also be positive towards school. If for any reason your child seems unhappy, please talk to a member of staff who can support you and your child with this.